Support for Improving the Effectiveness of the Inspection Authorities – DEVELOPMENT OF CHECKLISTS
The Center for Development Policies IDEAS DePo in cooperation with the Inspection Council of North Macedonia, within the project “Support for Improving the Effectiveness of the Inspection Authorities” supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD, as part of its activities developed 90 checklists, as an obligation arising from the new Law on Inspection Supervision.
The purpose of checklists is to facilitate and harmonize the inspection process, to become system for control and verification, not a system of repression and punishment. The checklists also have an educational purpose, i.e. they increase the uniformity and awareness of the subjects of supervision and their voluntary harmonization with the specific legal obligations, and at the same time they achieve greater transparency in the implementation of the inspection procedure.
In addition to the checklists developed within the project “Support for Improving the Effectiveness of Inspection Authorities”, new checklists were also developed by the inspection authorities themselves.
The checklists are published on the websites of the inspection authorities, as well as on the website of the Inspection Council.
For more information click here.