Training organized for the State Market Inspectorate (SMI) on December 4th in hotel Alkaloid – Dojran.
Training organized for the State Market Inspectorate (SMI) on December 4th in hotel Alkaloid – Dojran.
On the joint initiative and contributing to the Journey to Self-Reliance, MIA project and Inspection Council organized two-day training to prepare a group of 15 inspectors to be next trainers for their colleagues. The training took place on November 29th and 30th in Hotel Gardenia – Vales.
The trainings were held on November 14 and 15, at the State Market Inspectorate. Organized over two days with two groups of 30 inspectors, and conducted by Nina Angelkovska, Ph.D – E-commerce and Ms. Marija Gjoseva – Head of Sector for Internet crime and Digital Forensic in Ministry of Internal Affairs.
From 7th to 9th of May 2018 in Hotel ‘’Metropol” – Ohrid, three-days training sessions were organized for the administration authorities in State Labor Inspectorate. The main topic of the training had unique purpose to help administration authorities to strengthen their documentation capacity of the IP1 inspection procedure and the internal registries as well. Mr.
The Training Needs Assessment (TNA) represents a systematic approach for determining the knowledge and skills of the state inspectors.
The events covered discussion on harmonization and mutual position between State Labor inspectorate and State Administrative Inspectorate on application of the Law on employments in public sector and Law on administrative servants.