The sub-activity Study tour for selected group of senior inspectors was conducted in Tirana- Albania.
The sub-activity Study tour for selected group of senior inspectors was conducted in Tirana- Albania.
MIA project continued to support the drafting process by directly engaging in drafting new and improved legislation and/or amendments to existing legislation. Completing the drafting of the Law on Administrative Inspection was on the agenda during the period of 2019.
Based on the evaluation the committee offered the top ranked candidates, Dejan Madjovski developed a Business Plan for Training Center and Margarita Ivanova developed the Strategy and Action plan.
During the last week of September (23-27) 2019, high officials from the Central Inspectorate of Albania visited the Macedonian Inspection Council and several inspection authorities, as a return visit and further expanding the cooperation and exchange of experience between these neighboring countries.
MIA Project drafted official Instruction for creating and completing (using) checklists. Its primary purpose was to facilitate the work of the inspection authorities in preparing the check-lists.
State Labor Inspectors have two specific trainings in April and June 2019, on the following topics: Changes in Labor law, Law on private employment agencies, Law on smoking protection and Law on internship.