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Implementer of Objective 4: Center for Development Policies IDEAS DePo

Funding mechanism: Sub-award Agreement with Palladium International, Implementer of the USAID Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity (P4EG)

Implementation period for the Sub-award Agreement: July 24, 2023 – July 24, 2025

P4EG is a five-year Activity (2023 – 2028) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The overall objective of P4EG is to increase productivity of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in North Macedonia thus spurring economic growth.

The Activity works with resource partners to unlock growth, productivity and employment potential of MSMEs by:

Co-investing funds, expertise and technology to modernize, improve management and build workforce skills.

♦ Increasing financing through available and alternative sources, as well as improving investment readiness.

Advocating and lobbying through existing public-private dialogue platforms.

♦ Addressing existing trade barriers and limitations to establish an environment conducive to regional economic and trade integration.

At the end of the period of performance, P4EG expects to achieve the following results:

♦ Increased productivity of MSMEs.

Better financial management of MSMEs enabling them to successfully access finance.

Challenges and obstacles to MSMEs growth efficiently addressed through public-private dialogue.

North Macedonia’s regional economic integration efforts enhanced and strengthened.

Through sub-award with Palladium International IDEAS DePo implements objective 4 of P4EG that focuses on supporting North Macedonia’s efforts to enhance regional economic integration. Activities under objective 4 will support legal, procedural, and institutional reforms aimed at boosting country’s economic and trade cooperation with the Western Balkans thus facilitating integration of Macedonian companies into regional value chains. Assistance will fully align with North Macedonia’s commitments as a member of the World Trade Organization, facilitate the implementation of the comprehensive regional Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), and contribute to the strategically vital process of harmonizing Macedonian economy with EU regulations and standards.

Specific interventions will be identified, designed and implemented in close consultations and partnership with relevant stakeholders and will include the following:

♦ Government authorities involved in regional economic integration – capacity building for implementation of select reforms aimed at enhancing regional economic integration and trade facilitation and increasing information sharing with the private sector.

♦ Business support organizations (chambers, business associations and similar entities) – coordination and joint implementation of initiatives to support regional economic integration of the private sector.

♦ Regional and bilateral donors supporting North Macedonia’s regional integration efforts – regular communication to coordinate plans and activities, prevent duplication, explore opportunities for cooperation and partnership, and effectively leverage available resources.

♦ Regional and international organizations setting trade facilitation standards – follow their work and seek opportunities for collaboration.




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