Adopting a quality, new reformatory Law is a complex process that goes through several stages. Starting from various research and analysis of existing regulations, establishment of a working group, preparing the draft, working group meetings as well as meetings with representatives of relevant institutions, publishing a draft version online and receiving comments on the text, public debates with the Stakeholders, public and business sectors, reviewing comments, revising the draft, with the sole purpose – to come up with a final quality legal solution. The Law on Inspection Supervision went through this process that began in November 2017, and the Law in Parliament was passed in May 2019.
The purpose of the new Law on Inspection Supervision is to overcome the inconsistencies and weaknesses of the previous Law on Inspection Supervision from 2010, and to introduce a new concept of inspection through risk-based planning of inspections, facilitation and greater legal certainty for entities that are subjects to inspection supervision (primarily the private sector), introduction of uniform rules and the requirement of checklists in regular inspection supervision procedure.
To be applicable, under the new law on inspection Supervision, there are several bylaws that guide its application. The Project team, in partnership with the Inspection Council and MISA, also assisted in the development of several important by-laws. Within the project, some of the by-laws (such as Methodology for risk-based planning of inspections, Guideline for preparation checklists for inspection supervision, Guideline for conducting inspection supervision etc.) were developed by external consultants with expertise in the field.