Step by step, detailed coaching program for tutoring young inspectors. Guidelines on how Senior State inspectors can transfer knowledge, experience and working methods to their young colleagues.
This activity Mentors’ program for inspectors includes useful mentoring guidance, emphasizing the notion, types of mentoring, the roles of mentor and mentee and the need for their mutual collaboration, implementation stages, formalization of mentoring, and of course the exceptional benefits of mentoring for developing work competencies. Based on the previous experience during the Project life-spam it was concluded that the State Inspectorates should take advantage of their own knowledge and potential. A selected group of 12 senior inspectors from SMI, took active participation in the workshop, working on structured and programmed approach, how to get involve young inspectors in independent inspection supervisions. Through instructions, case studies and given templates they have tested the developed “Mentor’s Program guidebook for Inspectors”. The Inspectorates must rely on their own resources in first place in order to self-sustain and continue the legacy from MIA Project after the Project is done.
This activity was completely developed, implemented and finalized in the first three months of FY4. It included developed training curriculum, handbook “Mentor’s program for inspectors”, piloting in SMI, and one day training for SLI and SAI.
This program will be essential guideline for the senior inspectors in their journeys towards transferring knowledge, experience and working methods to their young colleagues. Besides, all the accumulated knowledge cannot be read in any law or book.