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USAID Project – Modernizing the Inspection Authorities

Implementer: Center for Development Policies IDEAS DePo Skopje

Implementation period: September 2016 – January 2021

Donor: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


The overall objective of the Modernizing the Inspection Authorities Project is to introduce a modern, business friendly and predictable inspection system that will seek to achieve enhanced efficiency of inspection authorities, as well as voluntary compliance by implementing best practices and principles into the inspection process.

The project consists of the three main components:

Component 1: Streamlined legal framework of the inspection system for increased efficiency of inspection authorities, and better business compliance with regulations.

Component 2: Improved knowledge of inspectors in specific areas for better effectiveness in performing inspection supervision.

Component 3: Improved effectiveness of the inspection bodies for improved efficiency of the inspection system through implementation of an e-government software solution.


The following results are expected to be achieved:

  • Clear and reliable legal and institutional framework, accomplished through a thorough and an inclusive process of identification and modification of inefficient, inconsistent and overlapping laws and regulations.
  • Modern standards, techniques and tools introduced for efficient and competent performance of inspection authorities, such as the voluntary compliance approach, risk analysis principles, checklists for uniform conduct of inspection supervisions, among other.
  • Well established procedures to enable sustainable and continued enforcement of modern inspection practices.
  • Inspection authorities able to identify, plan and implement training programs necessary for inspectors’ career development.
  • Improved skills and knowledge of inspectors.
  • Functional electronic system that offers better planning and risk management of the inspections, and improves the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of the inspectors’ work.
  • Exchange of international best practices with local and regional partners.

Contact at USAID: Lela Jakovlevska

Chief of Party: Aleksandar Shahov

Information Officer: Irena Petkova


The specific problems to be addressed under the Component-Streamlined Legal Framework of the Inspection System are the inconsistencies and discrepancies in the legislation regulating inspection supervision and inspection authorities.

The main objective is to achieve streamlined legal framework for governing the inspection system, an effort that is expected to produce multiple beneficial effects on the overall inspection system, by increasing the inspection authorities’ efficiency, clearly defining their roles and responsibilities, reducing costs for conducting inspection supervision, setting up a clear system for compliance, decrease the burden for the private sector that is subject to supervision, introducing risk management principles in the process of inspection supervision and implementing standards and procedures that will enhance the inspection process.

Under this Component the following results were achieved:

  • Support to legal drafting of the new Law on Inspection Supervision (LIS)
  • Drafting of by-laws deriving from the new LIS, among which:
  • Conducting horizontal Functional Analysis of the inspection system and providing recommendations for optimization of the system
  • Providing Functional Analysis for specific inspection authorities with recommendations of organizational changes and systematization of work posts
  • Development of a Methodology for risk-based planning of inspections
  • Development of a Guideline for preparation checklists for inspection supervision
  • Development of a Guideline for conducting inspection supervision

Supporting the Legal Drafting of the New Law on Inspection Supervision (LIS)

Functional Analysis (FA)

The expected goal of this Component is to improve the knowledge of inspectors in general / specific areas and their effectiveness in performing inspection supervision.

Under this Component, MIA approach is based on participative, evidence-based measures, enriched with best regional practices and building upon previous efforts in Inspection modernization, while sustainability and ownership of the interventions will be ensured during the project-life-time. Most prevailing educational tools are the trainings. The trainings provide an opportunity to discuss ways in which inspection can be carried out effectively, and enable inspectors to evaluate what they learn and observe, and decide upon appropriate measures. From other hand, trainings are ensure that the inspectors have the information they need on all functions on the relevant legal provisions, on the relevant national policies, and how to deal with violations of legislation in the best manner. Above all, trainings sensitize inspectors to all fields of concern, create the right attitude and motivate them to act with energy and determination. Following the expected evolution of the development of the training facility, and ensuring sustainability, MIA team worked on evidence-based methods to provide the basis for the last year of the project.  In that direction, MIA support for training delivery at the same time is concentrate on establishing a Training Centre.

Under this Component the following results were achieved:

  • Development and delivery of general and specific training programs for inspectors
  • Conducted comprehensive Training Needs assessment for all inspectors and 3 State Inspectorates for Labour, Market and Administrative Affairs
  • Development of a Strategy for professional development and trainings 2020-2024 and Action Plan for its implementation
  • Development and delivery of a training and mentoring program for senior inspectors (Training of Trainers)
  • Preparation of a Methodology for training curricula development, and development of most essential training programs for inspectors
  • Development of a Business plan for sustainable professional development system for inspectors

I – GENERICS TRAININGS – Law on General Administrative Procedure (Jan. 2017 – Feb. 2018)

I.I – GENERICS TRAININGS – Methodology for Effective Inspection Supervision and Soft Skills Development for Inspection Authorities (Jan. 2019 – March 2019)



IV – Mentors’ program for inspectors



Inspection systems in Europe and worldwide promote contemporary concepts of inspection surveillance and seek to find methods of its efficient implementation. Among them is the deployment of inspection information management systems, which are increasingly common in developed economies and enable carrying out of the most frequent inspection operations.

Information management system or e-inspection software solution ensures flawless collection of data necessary for appropriate risk-based planning of inspections, limits the influence of the human factor, thus significantly limiting the possibility for corruption. It improves the coordination among different inspection authorities and among inspectors within the same inspection authority; the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the work of both inspection authorities and inspectors; and the electronic inspection case management and availability of inspection cases data to inspectors.

The overall objective of the Modernizing the Inspection Authorities Project is to introduce a modern, business friendly and predictable inspection system that will seek to achieve enhanced efficiency of inspection authorities, as well as voluntary compliance by implementing best practices and principles into the inspection process. One of the main goals is a functional electronic system that offers better planning and risk management of the inspections, that improves the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of the inspectors’ work.

That is possible through implementation of an e-government software solution.

Under the scope of activities provided through the USAID MIA Project, in partnership with MISA and IC, the Project developed a Concept Design for inspection management software and prepared a detailed technical specification for a pilot software development. Throughout the process, all Stakeholders were actively involved. USAID MIA Project, together with MISA and IC, organized a workshop on Defining the Scope of the Piot Software Solution, attended by representatives from all State Inspection Authorities. By the end of the Project, a pilot software solution on inspection management will be developed in State Administrative Inspectorate, State Labor Inspectorate and State Market Inspectorate. A Software Company is engaged for this matter and currently working on the process, together with relevant representatives from each Inspection Authority separately.

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