IDEAS DePo Ideas for Development Policies Mon, 23 Dec 2024 14:32:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Request for Expressions of Interest (EOI) – Preparation of Decarbonization Plans for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in North Macedonia Fri, 20 Dec 2024 09:45:34 +0000 Issuance Date: December 20, 2024

The USAID Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity (Activity) is a six-year activity funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Palladium, designed to enhance the productivity of Macedonian Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to spur economic growth. Under Objective 4: Improved Regional Economic Integration (REI) implemented in partnership with the Center for Development Policies IDEAS DePo (IDEAS DePo), the Activity focuses on supporting legal, procedural, and institutional reforms aimed at boosting North Macedonia’s economic and trade cooperation with the Western Balkans and the EU, and advancing country’s decarbonization goals in compliance with European climate policies. Assistance is aligned with country’s commitments as a WTO member and adds significant value to the strategically most important process of harmonizing Macedonian economy with EU standards, including the EU Green Deal and the Fit for 55 legislative package. The regional framework for the assistance includes CEFTA and its Additional Protocol 5 on Trade Facilitation, the Berlin Process and the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans.

IDEAS DePo launches this request to solicit expressions of interest by business advisory service providers for assisting individual MSMEs from North Macedonia develop plans for decarbonizing their operations.

1. Background

While MSMEs dominate the economy in North Macedonia, their productivity remains below the European Union average. Despite their potential to become a major driver of rapid, sustainable, and broad-based growth for the economy, MSMEs are struggling to invest in innovation and modernization, and thus enhance their productivity and competitiveness.

To further pursue its climate goals, the European Union has set in place the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) that encompasses payment of a carbon adjustment fee upon imports of certain goods produced in third countries to the EU. The value of the CBAM fee will vastly depend on the carbon quantities embedded in the exported goods. Furthermore, it is realistic to expect that in an attempt to align its climate policies with the EU and advance its own climate goals, North Macedonia will also move towards introducing some form of a national carbon fee. These developments exert significant pressure on the competitiveness of Macedonian products and urge MSMEs to consider enhancing decarbonisation efforts.

Decarbonization is becoming a strategic imperative for businesses aiming to reduce their environmental impact and align with global sustainability efforts. It is seen as a catalyst for value creation and as a critical segment of maintaining competitiveness against direct competitors and alternative products, as well as sustaining or improving profitability.

Achieving successful decarbonization requires a well-structured and detailed plan that will help the company reduce carbon footprint, meet stakeholder expectations, and prepare for future environmental regulations. The decarbonization plan enables companies to map out their compliance strategy – helping them realize their decarbonization targets in the most efficient way possible. It also identifies specific decarbonization actions, outlines how much carbon each action will reduce, estimates the cost of each action, specifies the time required for implementation, defines the personnel needed, and discusses potential sources for financing these actions. Developing a decarbonization plan is complex and requires a structured and methodical approach that transforms constraints into opportunities for sustainable growth.

2. Opportunity for Business Advisory Service Providers (BASPs)

Recognizing the challenges, the USAID Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity and IDEAS DePo seek to support MSMEs by helping them prepare their decarbonization plans and by strengthening their capacity in this area.

The purpose of this request for EOI is to identify and pre-qualify local companies (Business Advisory Service Providers – BASPs) that are offering advisory services for preparation of decarbonization plans for MSMEs in North Macedonia. BASPs should have good knowledge of the production companies and the challenges they are facing in maintaining and strengthening their competitiveness through green transition. They should also have the capacity to independently identify and propose potential MSME beneficiaries that qualify for the support.

USAID Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity will co-finance with the beneficiary companies the cost of services for preparation of decarbonisation plans. The co-financing amount will be determined in each individual case based on a pre-determined cost-share percentage that cannot exceed a set maximum amount per company.

3. Eligibility and qualifications

  • Legal entity registered in North Macedonia;
  • Strong expertise and knowledge related to implementation of decarbonization activities and green technologies within production facilities;
  • Proven past experience with provision of advisory services for development and implementation of plans for decarbonization of business operations in production companies.

4. Application procedure

BASPs that have the qualifications and meet the eligibility criteria set forth above are encouraged to apply by submitting the following documents in English or Macedonian language:

  • Cover letter providing contact information and brief elaboration of applicant’s expertise in the field of decarbonisation overall, or by specific areas (energy efficiency; clean energy sources; carbon capture, utilization and storage; low-carbon fuels, feed stocks and green energy; etc.).
  • Company/organization profile and registration form issued by the Central Registry of North Macedonia within the last 6 months;
  • Evidence of at least three assignments completed within the last three years of assisting production companies develop decarbonization plans (please include the name of the beneficiary company, brief elaboration of the work performed and a contact person within the company);
  • CVs of at least two experts highlighting the required expertise.

Please submit your application in electronic form to, no later than January 20, 2025. In the subject line please include: “Application for Decarbonization Plans North Macedonia”.

This request for EOI is the first stage in the selection process for BASPs that will provide the services for preparation of decarbonisation plans to individual MSMEs. In the second stage, applicants with satisfactory expertise and experience will be invited by IDEAS DePo to further discuss and finalize the scope and conditions of their engagement, in accordance with the organization’s internal procurement procedures.


Unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing.

Disclaimer: This EOI does not constitute an award commitment on the part of the USAID Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity and IDEAS DePo, nor does it commit IDEAS DePo to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the application. IDEAS DePo reserves the right to reject any or all applications received subject to strategic decision and/or availability of funds. Should circumstances prevent making an award, all preparation and submission costs are at the expense of the applicant.

EOI Decarbonization Plans December 2024



On November 6, 2024, the USAID Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity in cooperation with the Center for Development Policies IDEAS DePo organized the informative event on the Implementation of the Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Accreditation (MRVA) System for GHG Emissions and the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in North Macedonia.

The event was attended by close to hundred representatives of the public, private and NGO sector. Its main goal was to share with participants information on the reforms for reducing GHG emission levels and addressing climate changes that North Macedonia plans to implement in line with the EU acquis and to discuss short- and long-term effects of these activities.

Tomasz Karpinski from the Energy Community Secretariat presented the objectives and the architecture of the system for monitoring and reporting GHG emissions in the European Union, while Teodora Obradovic Grncarovska, State Counselor at the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning elaborated the activities for establishment of this system in North Macedonia by the end of 2025 and in line with the deadlines agreed in the Reform Agenda. Sloboden Chokrevski, the Director of the Institute for Accreditation informed participants of the plans for development of a system for accreditation of bodies for verification of GHG emission data.

USAID’s Partnerships for Economic Growth Activities presented the findings of the report assessing the effects of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) introduced by the European Union and recommending policies that North Macedonia should implement for addressing them. The event completed with a panel where the academia and the private sector discussed the effects of CBAM implementation on country’s foreign trade patterns and exports, as well as the challenges that the mechanism creates for small and medium companies in the country.



На 6 ноември 2024 година, Активноста на УСАИД Партнерства за економски раст во соработка со Центарот за развојни политики ИДЕАС ДеПо организираа информативен настан на тема „Имплементација на системот за мониторинг, известување, верификација и акредитација (MRVA) на емисии на стакленички гасови и механизмот на ЕУ за јаглеродно гранично прилагодување (CBAM) во Северна Македонија“.

На настанот учествуваа околу 100 претставници на јавниот, приватниот и невладиниот сектор и негова основна цел беше учесниците да се запознаат со реформите за намалување на емисиите на стакленички гасови и справување со климатските промени кои во нашата земја ќе се имплементираат во согласност со законодавството на ЕУ и да се разменат мислења за краткорочните и долгорочните ефекти од овие активности.

Томаж Карпински од Секретаријатот на Енергетската заедница ги елаборираше целите и основите на системот за мониторинг и известување на емисиите на стакленички гасови во Европската унија, додека Теодора Обрадовиќ Грнчаровска, државен советник во Министерството за животна средина ги претстави активностите за воспоставување на овој систем во Република Северна Македонија до крајот на 2025 година, во согласност со обврските превземени со Реформската агенда. Слободен Чокревски, директор на Институтот за акредитација ги запозна учесниците со плановите за развивање на системот за акредитација на субјекти кои ќе вршат верификација на податоците за емисиите на стакленички гасови.

Активноста на УСАИД Партнерства за економски раст ги презентираше наодите од анализата за влијанието од воведувањето на Механизмот за јаглеродно гранично прилагодување (CBAM) од страна на Европската унија, како и препораките за соодветен институционален одговор во Република Северна Македонија. Настанот заврши со панел на кој беа изложени ефектите од имплементацијата на CBAM врз надворешно-трговските текови и извозот, како и главните предизвици кои ги создава CBAM за малите и средни извозни претпријатија во земјата.



ПОВИК ЗА ИЗРАЗУВАЊЕ ИНТЕРЕС – Поддршка на микро, мали и средни претпријатија (ММСП) од секторите железо, челик и алуминиум за изготвување на извештаи согласно Механизмот на ЕУ за јаглеродно гранично прилагодување (CBAM) / Ревидиран Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:25:25 +0000 Активноста на УСАИД Партнерства за економски раст имплементирана од Palladium International соработува со своите партнери во насока на поттикнување на потенцијалот за раст, продуктивност и вработување на микро, малите и средни претпијатија (ММСП) во Северна Македонија. Компонента 4 на Активноста, која ги поддржува напорите на земјата за регионално економско интегрирање е имплементирана од страна на Центарот за развојни политики ИДЕАС ДеПо.

ИДЕАС ДеПо го објавува овој повик за да ги покани микро, малите и средни претпијатија (ММСП) кои се дел од секторите железо, челик и алуминиум во Северна Македонија да се пријават за поддршка за исполнување на нивните обврски за известување согласно Механизмот на ЕУ за јаглеродно гранично прилагодување (EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms – CBAM).

1. Контекст

Еропската унија спроведува амбициозна агенда да ги намали јаглеродните емисии за 55% (во однос на нивото од 1990) до 2030 година и да стане климатски неутрален континент до 2050 година. Спроведувањето на регулаторните барања за достигнување на овие важни цели има висока цена и може да има негативно влијание врз конкурентноста на стоките произведени во ЕУ во однос на оние произведени во државите со поблаги климатски политики и со тоа да доведе до таканаречено „истекување на јаглеродот“.

За да се справи со „истекување на јаглеродот“, ЕУ го воведе Механизмот за јаглеродно гранично прилагодување – алатка создадена да обезбеди плаќање на правична цена при увоз во ЕУ на определени категории на јаглеродно-интензивни производи која реално го отсликува количеството на јаглеродни емисии генерирани при нивното производство во трети земји.

CBAM започна да се применува на 1 октомври 2023 година. Во тек на преодната фаза на имплементација која ќе трае до 31 декември 2025 година, увозниците во ЕУ нема да ја плаќаат давачката за прилагодување, туку само врз квартална основа ќе ги пресметуваат јаглеродните емисии содржани во засегнатите производи и ќе известуваат за нив. Обврската за плаќање на давачката за прилагодување ќе започне на 1 јануари 2026 година.

2. Идентификување на предизвикот

Според Регулативата за спроведување на Механизмот на ЕУ за јаглеродно гранично прилагодување во текот на преодната фаза усвоена во август 2023 година, одговорноста за изготвување на извештаите за јаглеродните емисии содржани во стоките кои се увезуваат во Европската унија ја има увозникот. Меѓутоа, најголем дел од податоците за изготвување на тие извештаи треба да ги обезбедат производителите на тие стоки од земји надвор од ЕУ.

Во моментов CBAM се применува на увоз на следните категории на стоки чие производство е јаглеродно-интензивно и предизвикува висок ризик од истекување на јаглеродот: железо и челик, алуминиум, цемент, вештачки ѓубрива, електрична енергија и водород. Со оглед на структурата на македонската економија и постојните трговски обрасци, индустрија која се очекува да биде најзасегната од CBAM е производството на железо и челик и, донекаде, производството на алуминиум.

CBAM наметнува комплексни барања за известување за компаниите од Севрна Македонија кои своите производи ги извезуваат во ЕУ. Многу од нив, особено оние кои спаѓаат во категоријата на ММСП, го немаат потребното знаење и капацитет да ги исполнат овие нови барања, што може значително да ги загрози нивните деловни односи со партнерите од ЕУ. Доколку не достават квалитетни податоци за емисиите на јаглерод содржани во нивните производи во бараната форма и навреме за изготвување на кварталните извештаи за CBAM, тие ризикуваат да ја изгубат својата позиција на европскиот пазар.

3. Опфат на поддршката

Препознавајки ги овие предизвици, Активноста на УСАИД Партнерства за економски раст и ИДЕАС ДеПо ќе ги поддржат ММСП во текот на преодниот период на имплементација на CBAM со тоа што ќе им помогнат при изготвување на нивниот инпут за кварталните CBAM извештаи и ќе го зајакнат нивниот капацитет во оваа област. Поддршката вклучува кофинансирање на консултантски услуги за следното:

  • Изготвување на инпут за најмногу два последователни квартални CBAM извештаи за едно ММСП;
  • Зајакнување на капацитетот на ММСП во насока на негово оспособување во иднина да продолжи самостојно да ги изработува извештаите.

Обврската за кофинансирање подразбира дека секое поддржано ММСП да покрие 20% од цената на претходно-наведените консултантски услуги. Преостанатите 80% ќе бидат покриени од Активноста на УСАИД Партнерства за економски раст.

Консултантските услуги ќе бидат испорачани од страна на даватели на услуги кои имаат склучен договор со Активноста на УСАИД Партнерства за економски раст.

Целта на овој повик за изразување интерес е да ги покани компаниите кои се заинтересирани и ги исполнуваат условите да се пријават за поддршката.

4. Критериуми и барања кои треба да ги исполнат компаниите

  • Правно лице регистрирано во Република Северна Македонија;
  • Ги задоволува критериумите за микро, мало или средно претпријатие наведени во член 470 од Законот за трговските друштва;
  • Произведува и извезува во ЕУ производи од железо и челик или алуминиум кои се наведени во Анекс 1 на Регулативата за CBAM 2023/956 од 10 мај 2023 година:

За да ја добие поддршката, покрај задоволување на формалните критериуми наведени претходно, компанијата мора да се согласи да:

  • Кофинансира 20% од цената на консултантските услуги опишани во делот 3 погоре; и
  • Назначи барем еден вработен да работи со консултантите во текот на изготвувањето на инпутот за кварталните CBAM извештаи, со што би се зајакнал капацитетот на компанијата во однос на постапката за известување.

5. Постапка за пријавување

Пријавите поднесени согласно овој повик за изразување интерес треба да ги содршат следните документи:

  • Писмо во кое се изразува интересот на компанијата да ја искористи поддршката под условите наведени во овој повик и се именува контакт лице за понатамошна комуникација;
  • Доказ дека компанијата е регистрирана во Република Северна Македонија и дека ги задоволува критериумите за микро, мало или средно претпријатие од член 470 од Законот за трговските друштва.

Ве молиме да ја поднесете својата пријава во електронска форма на (subject: CBAM Assistance for MSMEs).

Овој повик е отворен до 30 јуни 2025 година или до потполно искористување на средствата предвидени за оваа намена, во зависност од тоа што ќе се случи прво.

Повик за компании – CBAM Извештаи

REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST – Assistance to MSMEs from the Iron, Steel and Aluminum Sector for Preparation of Reports under the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAM) / Revised Mon, 07 Oct 2024 11:02:15 +0000 USAID’s Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity implemented by Palladium International works with resource partners to unlock the growth, productivity and employment potential of micro, small and medium enterprises in North Macedonia. Component 4 of the Activity supporting regional economic integration of the country is implemented by the Center for Development Policies IDEAS DePo.

IDEAS DePo is launching this request to invite micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) that are part of the iron, steel and aluminium sector in North Macedonia to apply for assistance for meeting their respective reporting requirements under the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAM).

1. Context

European Union pursues an ambitious agenda to reduce carbon emissions for 55% (compared to 1990 levels) by 2030 and become a climate-neutral continent by 2050. The implementation of the regulatory requirements for achieving these impressive goals are costly and often adversely affect the competitiveness of goods produced in the EU compared to those produced in countries with less stringent climate policies thus resulting in a so-called “carbon leakage”.

To address the risk of “carbon leakage”, the EU introduced the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – CBAM, a tool designed to ensure that a fair price is paid upon imports to the EU of certain categories of carbon-intensive goods that reflects the embedded carbon emissions generated during their production in third countries.

CBAM started to implement on October 1, 2023. During the transitional phase, until December 31, 2025, the importers will not pay the adjustment fee, but only calculate and report quarterly the carbon emissions embedded in the imported goods. The collection of the fee will start in January 2026.

2. Problem statement

Under the EU CBAM Implementing Regulation for the transitional phase adopted in August 2023, the ultimate responsibility for reporting of carbon emissions embedded in the goods imported to the EU lay with the importers. However, the main input for these reports is the data submitted by the installations in non-EU countries that produce those goods.

CBAM currently applies on specific industries whose production is carbon intensive and carries a high risk for carbon leakage, namely iron and steel, aluminum, cement, fertilizers, electricity and hydrogen. Given the structure of the Macedonian economy and the existing trade patterns, the iron and steel, and to some extent the aluminum sector are expected to be the most affected by CBAM.

CBAM imposes complex reporting requirements on companies in North Macedonia that export to the EU. Many of them, particularly those falling into the MSME category do not have the expertise and the capacity to fully understand and meet the new requirements, which significantly jeopardizes their ongoing business relations with EU customers. Failing to submit data on carbon emissions embedded in their products in the requested quality and form, and on time for the quarterly CBAM reports, they risk losing their position at the EU market.

3. Scope

Recognizing the challenges, USAID’s Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity and IDEAS DePo will support MSMEs during the transitional period of CBAM implementation by helping them prepare their communications for quarterly CBAM reports and by strengthening their capacity in this area. Assistance will consist of co-financing of consulting services for the following:

  • Preparation of maximum two subsequent quarterly CBAM reports/communications;
  • Capacity building aimed at empowering MSMEs to continue to prepare future CBAM reports on their own.

Co-financing arrangements establish an obligation for every assisted MSME to cover 20% of the cost of the consulting services for preparation of its CBAM quarterly reports. The remaining 80% will be paid by USAID’s Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity, provided that they do not exceed a specific ceiling amount set by the project.

Consulting services will be delivered by providers selected and contracted directly by the USAID Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity.

The purpose of this request for expression of interest is to invite eligible companies to apply for the support.

4. Eligibility criteria

  • Legal entity registered in North Macedonia.
  • Meet the criteria for a micro, small or medium enterprise (MSME) as defined in Article 470 of the Law on Trading Companies.
  • Produce and export to the EU goods listed in the iron and steel or aluminum section of Annex 1 to the EU CBAM Regulation 2023/956 of May 10, 2023:

To benefit from the assistance, in addition to meeting the formal requirements, applicant companies must agree to:

  • Co-finance 20% of the cost of consulting services described under section 3 above; and
  • Assign and allocate at least one employee to work closely with the consultant(s) during the period of preparation of company’s CBAM communications thus benefiting from the transfer of knowledge related to CBAM reporting requirements.

5. Application procedure

Applications under this request for expression of interest should include the following documents:

  • Cover letter indicating the interest of the company to benefit from the support under the conditions listed in this call and designating contact person for further communication.
  • Evidence that the company is registered in North Macedonia and it meets the MSME criteria pursuant to Article 470 of the Law on Trading Companies.

Please submit your application in electronic form to (subject: CBAM Assistance for MSMEs).

This call is open until June 30, 2025 or until the exhaustion of available funds, whichever comes first.

Call for Companies – CBAM Reports

Extended deadline for receiving applications – Consultancy announcement for providing Infographics for fiscal transparency index Tue, 17 Sep 2024 11:58:36 +0000 USAID’s Strengthening Resource Mobilization Activity

Consultant’s Terms of Reference

Infographics for fiscal transparency index



  1. Introduction/Background


USAID Strengthening Resource Mobilization project as part of the activities of the partner organization Center for Economic Analyses – CEA is conducting monitoring of the fiscal transparency of the LSGUs in North Macedonia based on a developed methodology. The fiscal transparency monitoring report produced by CEA provides input for the creation of visual representations of the current fiscal transparency and comparison with past performance of the LSGUs in North Macedonia. Therefore, the goal of the visual representations (infographics) is to present in a simple understandable manner the status of the degree of fiscal transparency of the LSGUs and their possible progress compared with the past period for wide public reach.


The Consultant will be engaged to visually prepare the results, as a vehicle to enable the wide public reach of the report findings appropriate for social network publication and sharing.


  1. Objective and Scope of the engagement


The objective of this engagement is to create/produce visual representations, specifically infographics, for the fiscal transparency monitoring index for 2023/2024 applicable to the Local Self-Government Units (LSGUs) in North Macedonia. Additionally, it aims to empower the team through a series of interactive exercises that will enhance their understanding and application of preference-based communication patterns, providing deeper insights into personality type dynamics and personal value systems.

Based on the above, the consultant will implement the following tasks:

  1. Designing twelve (12) visual infographics and graphic solutions all prepared in Macedonian and Albanian languages (12×2 languages), prepared for individual social network posts. All the visual representations are to be based on the fiscal transparency for all 81 LSGU in RNM for the current period and compared with the past period from CEA Fiscal transparency index.


  • 8+1 infographics representing the geographical position of the LSGUs in specific LSGUs and each individual eight statistical planning region and separately for the LSGUs in the City of Skopje, with current index value and comparison with past CEA Local fiscal transparency index value.
  • Additional two regional infographics: one with regional average with comparison of current and past transparency index and one representing the degree of participation and inclusion of the citizens per statistical region.
  • One infographic representing the tax transparency intensity of the twenty-four third group partner municipalities.


  • Outputs and deliverables

The consultant will provide the following outputs and deliverables:

  • Twelve (12) individual visual infographics in the Macedonian language, prepared for immediate use on social media.
  • Twelve (12) individual visual infographics in the Albanian language, prepared for immediate use on social media.


The translation into the Albanian language will be undertaken by the USAID Strengthening Resource Mobilization Activity, pending approval of the infographics developed in the Macedonian language by the consultant.

  1. Period of execution of activities

The overall consultancy engagement will be implemented in the period up to 31st of October 2024.

The remuneration will be based on the request of offers procedure as well as negotiation and procurement procedures as prescribed by the contractor and will be determined as part of the consultancy contract.


  1. Qualifications

Academic qualifications:

  • BSc’s degree, in business administration, marketing, design or another relevant field.

Professional experience:

  • Professional experience in the provision of comparable visual products for promotion and visual presentation.


  • Excellent knowledge of English and Macedonian language.
  1. Application procedure

To be considered, the interested applicant needs to submit the following documents:

  • Cover letter,
  • CV,
  • Comparable reference list with similar assignments with contact details of 2 references.
  • The proposed gross rate in MK denars is inclusive of all costs.

The requested application documents should be submitted to the following e-mail address: with a subject line: Offer for visualization of the fiscal transparency index no later than 23rd of September 2024 by 04:00 PM.

Incomplete applications will not be considered for evaluation.

Consultancy announcement for providing Infographics for fiscal transparency index Mon, 19 Aug 2024 06:23:06 +0000 USAID’s Strengthening Resource Mobilization Activity

Consultant’s Terms of Reference

Infographics for fiscal transparency index



  1. Introduction/Background


USAID Strengthening Resource Mobilization project as part of the activities of the partner organization Center for Economic Analyses – CEA is conducting monitoring of the fiscal transparency of the LSGUs in North Macedonia based on a developed methodology. The fiscal transparency monitoring report produced by CEA provides input for the creation of visual representations of the current fiscal transparency and comparison with past performance of the LSGUs in North Macedonia. Therefore, the goal of the visual representations (infographics) is to present in a simple understandable manner the status of the degree of fiscal transparency of the LSGUs and their possible progress compared with the past period for wide public reach.


The Consultant will be engaged to visually prepare the results, as a vehicle to enable the wide public reach of the report findings appropriate for social network publication and sharing.


  1. Objective and Scope of the engagement


The objective of this engagement is to create/produce visual representations, specifically infographics, for the fiscal transparency monitoring index for 2023/2024 applicable to the Local Self-Government Units (LSGUs) in North Macedonia. Additionally, it aims to empower the team through a series of interactive exercises that will enhance their understanding and application of preference-based communication patterns, providing deeper insights into personality type dynamics and personal value systems.

Based on the above, the consultant will implement the following tasks:

  1. Designing twelve (12) visual infographics and graphic solutions all prepared in Macedonian and Albanian languages (12×2 languages), prepared for individual social network posts. All the visual representations are to be based on the fiscal transparency for all 81 LSGU in RNM for the current period and compared with the past period from CEA Fiscal transparency index.


  • 8+1 infographics representing the geographical position of the LSGUs in specific LSGUs and each individual eight statistical planning region and separately for the LSGUs in the City of Skopje, with current index value and comparison with past CEA Local fiscal transparency index value.
  • Additional two regional infographics: one with regional average with comparison of current and past transparency index and one representing the degree of participation and inclusion of the citizens per statistical region.
  • One infographic representing the tax transparency intensity of the twenty-four third group partner municipalities.


  • Outputs and deliverables

The consultant will provide the following outputs and deliverables:

  • Twelve (12) individual visual infographics in the Macedonian language, prepared for immediate use on social media.
  • Twelve (12) individual visual infographics in the Albanian language, prepared for immediate use on social media.


The translation into the Albanian language will be undertaken by the USAID Strengthening Resource Mobilization Activity, pending approval of the infographics developed in the Macedonian language by the consultant.

  1. Period of execution of activities

The overall consultancy engagement will be implemented in the period up to 31st of October 2024.

The remuneration will be based on the request of offers procedure as well as negotiation and procurement procedures as prescribed by the contractor and will be determined as part of the consultancy contract.


  1. Qualifications

Academic qualifications:

  • BSc’s degree, in business administration, marketing, design or another relevant field.

Professional experience:

  • Professional experience in the provision of comparable visual products for promotion and visual presentation.


  • Excellent knowledge of English and Macedonian language.
  1. Application procedure

To be considered, the interested applicant needs to submit the following documents:

  • Cover letter,
  • CV,
  • Comparable reference list with similar assignments with contact details of 2 references.
  • The proposed gross rate in MK denars is inclusive of all costs.

The requested application documents should be submitted to the following e-mail address: with a subject line: Offer for visualization of the fiscal transparency index no later than 02nd of September 2024 by 04:00 PM.

Incomplete applications will not be considered for evaluation.

Consultancy anouncement Fri, 09 Aug 2024 04:54:03 +0000 USAID’s Strengthening Resource Mobilization Activity (SRMA)

Consultant’s Terms of Reference

Own source revenues increase through strengthening LSGUs capacities to diversify and update the revenue database



North Macedonia aspires to be a prosperous, self-reliant, and inclusive democratic society, whereas USAID’s Strengthening Resource Mobilization Activity (USAID’s Project) 2021 – 2026 will assist Macedonia’s government institutions to raise and independently manage the necessary administrative, fiscal, and policy changes foreseen in the Activity Plan of the USAID’s Project. As part of the overall technical assistance (TA) package for capacity building, under the Objective 1, USAID’s Project will provide technical assistance to second and third cohort LSGUs to increase own source revenues and diversify the revenue base under LSGUs’ discretion and enhance the effectiveness of tax and fee collection systems, while strengthening the operational capacity of local tax administration departments to improve accountability.

In the past years of USAID’s Project implementation, a total of 63 LSGUs (from the first, second and third cohort) received direct assistance for improving the organizational and individual capacities of municipal tax and fees administration departments. Moreover, support was provided to interested municipal administrations and/or municipal teams for identifying and registering unregistered real estate properties and/or new taxpayers. This assistance covered 29 local self-government units (LSGUs). The same approach of USAID’s Project technical assistance will be provided till the end of the Project for the remaining third and fourth cohorts Project partner municipalities. Thus, the consultant’s technical assistance should provide on-the-job training and mentoring support to the third and the fourth cohorts of partner LSGUs in strengthening the organizational capacities of municipal tax administration departments and should support LSGUs in conducting field activities for revising and updating the property tax data base, as per Work Plan under the:

Objective 1: Own source revenue increased:

  • Activity 1.2.1: Provide mentoring and targeted training to improve the organizational capacity of local tax administrations, and
  • Activity 1.4.1: Support the revision and update of property tax databases and communal fees registers by identifying and registering new real estate and new taxpayers.

The provision of consultant’s services will be part of the TA tailor-made packages provided to the third and fourth cohorts municipalities. The consultant shall pay due attention to the fact that the TA is tailor-made with specifically designed activities to address concrete issues for each municipality.

Objective and Scope of the engagement

The objective of this assignment is to enable USAID’s Project partner LSGUs to increase own source revenue collection by improving the current tax, fees, and charges (overall tax administration) system through diversifying and updating the local tax/fees data base, strengthening organizational capacities of tax departments, and enhancing the planning and collecting of own source revenues.

To provide support in achieving the above objectives and results, the consultant will implement the following tasks:

  • Detail analyzes of the current tax and fees administration system, practices, and experience in tax and fees administration (what software is in use; is there any additional module to LTAS software (or any other in use) being installed; what activities have undertaken for updating property tax data base) for all 17 fourth cohort Projects partner LSGUs.
  • Identify specific needs related to tax administration departments’ organizational capacity and provide recommendations and appropriate assistance for their improvement through mentoring and/or coaching in 17 fourth cohort LSGUs.
  • Identify specific needs of each LSGUs, regarding property tax and fees database and overall advancement of the local tax administration system.
  • Identify any successful practice in partner LSGUs (or other LSGUs based on expert’s knowledge and experience) regarding tax administration system (property tax and fees data base update, tax and fees enforced collection, public awareness raising campaign, use of digital means/platforms, internal sectoral/departments vertical and horizontal communication and information share or any other activity) and share with the other LSGUs to increase own source revenue collection.
  • Explore possibilities for introduction of new local taxes for each cohort of LSGUs and increasing property tax rates within the current legislation frame.
  • Provide on-the-job training on property tax and fees data base update (training for tax administration staff and teams for field work real estate registration) for interested LSGUs (up to the remaining 8 third cohort and up to 17 fourth cohort) including mentoring and coaching to partner LSGUs on property tax and fees data base reevaluation and registration, and collection and overall administration related issues.
  • Conduct a one-day interactive workshop with local tax administration on regulatory provisions and step-by-step practical implementation of enforcement procedures in case of overdue unpaid tax obligations from physical and legal taxpayers for fourth cohort partner LSGUs.

Outputs and deliverables

The consultant will provide the following outputs and deliverables:

Output/Deliverable I: Prepare individual reports per each fourth cohort LSGU (17 partner municipalities) on findings from field trips regarding the current tax administration system and their needs. The report shall include 1) the organizational structure and the number of employees working in the tax department; 2) tax administration software and additional modules in use; 3) what taxes and fees are used in each LSGUs individually; 4) any additional taxes, fees and/or charges imposed by the LSGUs, and 5) any other important information regarding own source revenue collection. Additionally, the Report will present identified findings regarding the organizational capacity needs assessment of the LSGUs and will provide information on potential technical assistance for its improvement. Moreover, it will present discussed possibilities for the introduction of new local taxes as well as LSGU ‘s commitment to increase the property tax rate within the current legislation frame.

Output/Deliverable II: Based on the developed curricula for on-the-job training on property tax and fees database update (on-the-job training for tax administration staff and teams for real-estate fieldwork registration activities) deliver on-the-job trainings for interested LSGUs from the remaining 8 third cohort of LSGUs and for the fourth cohort of LSGUs. Each on-the-job training should be accompanied with a prepared individual report on provided training, mentoring and/or coaching regarding property tax and fees database update and the overall tax administration process.

Output/Deliverable III: Based on the developed curricula conduct a one-day interactive workshop for municipal tax administration (fourth cohort) on the practical application of enforcement procedures for overdue tax obligations from physical and legal entities including report after the workshops which will elaborate the feedback/comments received from the participants, lessons learned and recommendation for improvements. The report will include program (Agenda); list of participants; written assignments to participants; overall evaluation with recommendations and lessons learned; and some photos from the event.

Output/Deliverable IV: Prepare a summary report for the provided technical assistance on own source revenues increase through strengthening LSGUs capacities to diversify and update the revenue database. The report shell be prepared based on the individual reports produced under deliverable I and deliverable II and will summarize all findings and recommendations on organizational capacity needs assessment of the LSGUs, evaluation of the conducted individual on-the-job training on property tax and fees database update, and recommendations from improvement or modification of the proposed training program if needed.

All training materials and reports should be developed in Macedonian language; mentoring and on-the-job training should be provided in Macedonian language (translation in English or Albanian will be provided by USAID’s Project as needed).

The Consultant will have an intermediate reporting obligation to the DCOP/Financing for Self-Reliance Director and will submit the deliverable(s) as developed. The consultant must be available to respond to the first round of comments and the final round of requests for any changes to the report’s format.

Period of execution of activities

The engagement will be executed in the period September 1st, 2024 – September 30th, 2025. The overall consultancy engagement will include 30 workdays.


Academic qualifications:

  • Master’s degree in finance, economics, law, public administration, or another related field.

Professional experience:

  • At least ten (10) years of professional experience in working in or with central and/or local authorities with a focus on municipal finance management and/or specifically with tax administration. (Working experience for public revenue office and local government institution is an asset).
  • Practical experience in capacity needs assessment and design and provision of mentoring and on-the-job training.


  • Excellent knowledge of English and Macedonian language (knowledge of Albanian language is considered as an asset)

Other criteria:

  • Proven ability to work with a tight schedule and deliver the services within the given time frame.
  • Experience in working for international donors on similar projects.
  • Good communication skills and ability to work with local authorities and in teams.

Intellectual property: All works created under this assignment, including creations, inventions, ideas, designs, copyrightable materials, trademarks, and other technology and rights, shall be works made for hire. The consultant is not allowed to publish any part of the deliverables.

It is envisaged that only individual consultants will be eligible to apply and to be contracted to perform the activities listed in this SoWs.


Application procedure

To be considered, the interested applicant needs to submit the following documents:

  • Cover letter,
  • CV,
  • Comparable reference list with similar assignments with contact details of at least 2 references.
  • A proposed gross daily rate in MKD (inclusive of all costs and taxes)

The requested documents should be submitted to the following e-mail address: no later than 16.08.2024 by 03:00 PM.


ЦЕНТАРОТ ЗА РАЗВОЈНИ ПОЛИТИКИ ИДЕАС ДЕПО ВРАБОТУВА ПРОЕКТЕН АСИСТЕНТ Thu, 27 Jun 2024 12:22:15 +0000 ЦЕНТАРОТ ЗА РАЗВОЈНИ ПОЛИТИКИ ИДЕАС ДЕПО е невладина, непрофитна организација од Скопје, Република Северна Македонија која е формирана во 2015 година со цел да биде доверлив партнер на јавниот и приватниот сектор во обезбедување на потребна експертиза во процесот на креирање и имплементација на регулаторни и економски реформи во земјата и регионот. ИДЕАС ДеПо работи на подобрување на капацитетите на јавниот и приватниот сектор за поефикасна имплементација на потребните реформи и подобрување на бизнис и регулаторното опкружување, воспоставува механизми за транспарентно и ефикасно креирање на економски политики и го зајакнува јавно-приватниот дијалог помеѓу релевантните чинители.

ИДЕАС ДеПо од почетокот на своето постоење има спроведено повеќе проекти во различни области, а во моментов најголем фокус на организацијата се двата проекти кои се финансирани од страна на Американската агенција за меѓународен развој (УСАИД) – Активноста Партнерства за економски раст и Проект за зајакнување на капацитетите за искористување на ресурсите.

За потребите на своето секојдневно работење, ИДЕАС ДеПо има потреба од ангажирање на лице кое ќе ја извршува функцијата: ПРОЕКТЕН АСИСТЕНТ.


Примарна одговорност на проектниот асистент е да ги извршува административните задачи и да работи директно со тимот за управување со проектот. Проектниот асистент ќе ги извршува административните должности со собирање податоци, сортирање, поднесување и испраќање проектни документи до соодветниот персонал, консултанти и засегнати страни. Асистентот на проектот, исто така, ќе обезбеди помош во секојдневните задачи и активности и ќе обезбеди непречена комуникација помеѓу сите релевантни страни вклучени во проектите.

Проектниот асистент ќе води евиденција за сите информации поврзани со извршување на проектите и ќе му помага на тимот за управување со проекти. Проектниот асистент ќе биде одговорен за подготовка и следење на состаноците и презентациите, соодветно ќе ги поднесува сите проектни документи, извештаи и записници, ќе ги извршува задачите што ги бара проектниот менаџер за поддршка на потребите на проектот и ќе работи во соработка со проектниот менаџер и со целиот проектен тим, придонесувајќи во целокупниот животен циклус на проектот.

Проектниот асистент ќе биде ангажиран и за одредени задачи и активности од областа на внатрешна и надворешна комуникација, што може да вклучи комуникација со лица за комуникaција од донатори, други организации и медиуми, како и подготовка на содржина и одржување на социјални мрежи и веб страница поврзани со активностите на проектите.


  • Завршено високо образование (предност ќе имаат кандидатите со завршен економски, правен или факултет за бизнис администрација)
  • Претходно искуство со програми/проекти финансирани од УСАИД и/или програми на други меѓународни организации ќе се смета за предност.


  • Усна и писмена комуникација на англиски јазик
  • Добри комуникациски вештини и тимски дух
  • Структуриран начин на работа
  • Високо ниво на лична одговорност и самодисциплина
  • Соодветно управување со чувствителните информации и одржување доверливост
  • Способност за извршување на работните задачи во зададени рокови
  • Високо организиран/а со осврт и внимание на детали и проактивен
  • Средно ниво на познавање и работа со програмите на Microsoft Office како Excel и Word
  • Подготовка на содржини и одржување на веб страници и социјални мрежи ќе се смета за предност
  • Способност за работа во тим или самостојно по потреба

Ве молиме аплицирајте со испраќање на вашето CV и мотивационо писмо (на македонски или англиски јазик) на е-пошта: со наслов: Проектен асистент.


Краен рок за поднесување на апликации: 8 јули 2024.

Најдобрите кандидати ќе бидат повикани на интервју.

Некомплетните апликации нема да се земаат во предвид.

Оглас Проектен асистент

Assessment on the Implementation of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAM) in North Macedonia: Impact, Policy Response and Assistance Needs Tue, 25 Jun 2024 10:39:45 +0000 On June 17, 2024 IDEAS DePo signed a contract with DTU MP from Skopje for preparation of the Assessment on the Implementation of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAM) in North Macedonia: Impact, Policy Response and Assistance Needs.

The main objective of the assessment is to facilitate CBAM and related de-carbonization efforts and advance North Macedonia’s climate goals by elaborating risks and opportunities related to the CBAM implementation and the introduction of the carbon fee in the country, recommending ways forward for tackling the key challenges, and identifying assistance needs of stakeholders.

The assessment will address the following four segments: 1. Effects of CBAM implementation on affected industries; 2. CBAM-related institutional infrastructure; 3. Establishment of efficient, cost-effective and EU-compliant verification of GHG emissions; and 4. Introduction of a carbon fee on CBAM goods.

As part of USAID’s Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity, IDEAS DePo is working with relevant stakeholders to provide technical assistance to support and enhance North Macedonia’s efforts in regional economic integration.

ASSISTANCE TO MSMEs FROM THE IRON AND STEEL SECTOR FOR PREPARATION OF CBAM REPORTS Thu, 20 Jun 2024 17:25:05 +0000 To facilitate the implementation of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in North Macedonia, USAID’s Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity will assist micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) from the iron and steel sector prepare their communications for quarterly CBAM reports. Consulting services that will help MSMEs collect and submit to their EU partners accurate data for CBAM quarterly reports, raise their awareness related to CBAM and its impact on competitiveness, and strengthen their capacity to continue to prepare CBAM reports will be provided by G-Consult, consulting company from Skopje.

The contract to this effect was signed on June 3, 2024 between G-Consult and IDEAS DePo, implementer of component 4 of USAID’s Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity on regional economic integration. Under the contract, IDEAS DePo will co-finance 80% of the cost of the consulting services provided by G-Consult to MSMEs that apply for the assistance and meet the eligibility criteria,  while the remaining 20% will be covered by the beneficiary companies.

The call inviting MSMEs from the iron and steel sector to apply for the assistance can be found here.

